Get Insights With Conversational Search

Tired of filters and keyword searches? Just ask and get answers to contract questions that impact your business.


Faster answers about contract terms


Faster contract reports


Faster answers to volumetric questions
Experience a 60% faster contract review cycle

Experience a 60% faster contract review cycle

“As part of our contract digitization program, we didn’t want to stop at just putting our contracts in the cloud. We wanted complete visibility and control over the deliverables and obligations in our contracts. We found the perfect answer in Sirion.”

Sabih Rozales, Principal Commercial Contract Manager

“All our contracts are established and maintained in Sirion, a fit-for-purpose CLM solution. Today, we manage all our regulatory requirements, adapt smartly to banking changes and leverage rich insights for real-time reporting, through Sirion.”

Edzard Janssen, Chief Procurement Officer

“Some of the biggest highlights of working with Sirion for me have been watching how the technology has changed over time. And how it gets better and better every single time new functionality is released.”

Jaclyn Schuler, Director of Contract Lifecycle Management

“Sirion’s industry-leading AI technology offers significant advances giving instant access to critical data, automating non-value-added tasks, and driving behaviors that result in better contracting outcomes with third-party relationships.”

Toby Yu, Contract Management Services Leader

Get to the Heart of the Issue

Sirion shines a light on the past so you can make better contracting decisions in the present. Instantly surface insights from across your entire corpus of contracts — or any individual contract in your repository. Generate dashboards or configure alerts on the fly.


Get the right answers when you
need them.

  • Search your repository using plain-language questions in 100+ languages.
  • Get answers relevant to the work you need to do.
  • Validate AI-generated answers with citations linking directly to relevant data.


Dig deeper into your data.

  • Quickly generate dashboards using plain-language prompts.
  • Find hidden data connections with AI-recommended follow-up questions.
  • Get accurate calculations of rebates, discounts, and more.


Take immediate action on insights.

  • Generate a risk profile of your entire repository.
  • Search and take other actions right from one chat window.
  • Ensure data security and traceability with configurable access control, comprehensive chat history, and a complete audit trail.

The Future of CLM With Generative AI


Explainable AI with every response cited to precedent in your own contract data.


Quick time to value with right-sized, pre-trained models fine-tuned in an intuitive AI studio.


Your data is isolated to your own environment, never sent to external large language models or used for training.


Explainable AI with every response cited to precedent in your own contract data.


Quick time to value with right-sized, pre-trained models fine-tuned in an intuitive AI studio.


Your data is isolated to your own environment, never sent to external large language models or used for training.